Help and Support
2 Desember 2021 2023-11-30 14:51Help and Support

Pedoman referensi
Panduan tentang cara melacak dan mereferensikan informasi yang Anda temukan untuk menghindari plagiarisme.
- Referencing and plagiarism
- Guide to citing references
- Bibliographic Management
- Information Literacy
- Use of Research Databases
- How to use Free online Database in your research.

Finding & using IOU libraries resources
Temukan sumber akademis yang dapat diandalkan menggunakan koleksi online dan fasilitas pencarian perpustakaan IOU.
- Finding resources for your assignment
- Finding e-journals and online articles
- Finding and using books and theses
- Online Public Access Catalouge
- Access to resources

Menggunakan perpustakaan IOU
Discover how to use the wide range of online academic resources offered by the IOU libraries.
- Getting started with the online library
- Training and skills
- Finding resources for your assignment
- Searching Techniques & Plagiarism

Dukungan untuk layanan perpustakaan
Find out how to use the IOU libraries near where you live and how to get assistance with using library resources.
- Issue and Return of books
- Library Search accessibility
- discussion rooms , Internet, Research Common
- Free Databases Access