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Use of Digital Library

Use of Digital Library

The IOU Libraries provide a wide range of digital databases, Library Integrated Management System, Institutional repository management System, E Books Management System and research engine. The International Online University Libraries also offer the same services to its users. The IOU has also design and develop its Union OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue). This OPAC can be used by the Library users to find out the library hold a particular work on a practical subject in particular library. This is the most important tool for locating library physical resources and its location. The OPAC provide the information of physical resources sorted by author, title and call numbers. The web OPAC also provide the access and information about the books which are being issued to any member. The IOU Libraries also provide Digital Library Access to its users. Currently the library has 100000 E Books collections which are accessible through intranet (Within Campus). The Digital library also provide the facility to search by Author, Title and other parameters. E-Journals Databases: The IOU Libraries also provide access to E Journals databases to its users. The Journals databases. An online journal supports different searching capabilities and saves physical storage. Electronic Journals also offer benefit of full-text searching and downloading of articles E-Books Digital Library: The IOU Libraries has also established Digital Library with 100000 E Books. E-books can be read just like a paper book, using dedicated E-book reader, laptop or any system. Electronic Theses and Dissertations: The IOU libraries provide access of online thesis and dissertation to its users produced at universities are important sources of information and knowledge for further research. A large number of universities have converted their theses and dissertations collection into digital libraries and have made it available on Internet for global access. Some initiatives such as Networked Digital Library of Dissertation and Theses (NDLTD) (http://www. ndltd.org) in development of web-based union catalogues of ETDs submitted over 100 libraries throughout the world are worth mentioning.
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